As the super moon in Pisces passes us (Aug. 29th) ..let us use the remnants of all that energy to let go. To let it all go. To clean out the old and negative and detox all the things in your life that you want to clean and rid yourself of.
I will let go,
What I can't control.
My worries.. I let them go.
My fears.. I let them go.
My anxieties.. I let them go.
My pain... I let it go.
My insecurities.. I let them go.
My doubts... I let them go.
All my negative thoughts.. I let them go.
Clean and good energy will flow into me. New and different energy will start to grow within me. I will embrace the change. I will learn to take these shackles off. I will learn to set myself free. I will learn to stretch my wings and fly. And not be afraid or held down anymore.
Starting now... I am me. For me. To me ...and most important to me. :)